Heck...It’s time for a national conversation!
Parents...are you ready for the onslaught coming at your kids this June?
This junk is coming to your city, your town, your village.
It’s reached plague portions!
These people have hijacked the calendar to push their Trans/Gay agenda.
Everybody wants tomorrow.
Who is going to be in charge...who is going to shape tomorrow by capturing the next generation?
Radical Raging Māori want the younger generation...
The Pride Movement want the younger generation...
They are trying to steal the next generation from under our noses.
They are grooming & recruiting when parents aren’t looking.
They want NZ to be the first Queer Nation...a Trans Haven for the world to come to.
If our schools are not safe, our country is not safe.
It’s time to take ACTION.
We are starting a Rolling Resistance to Pushback and Stand Up to this June Junk.
AWARENESS – Inform as many Kiwi parents as possible how dangerous & destructive this gender ideology is
ARRANGE – Roll out of dates for activation events, and invite every concerned parent to participate
ACTION – Activation phrase where our Rolling Resistance is put into motion over School Pride Week 17-21 June 2024, culminating in a massive event on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024. If there ever was a time for parents to take to the streets, it's now.
Our goal is to amplify parents’ voices and collectively apply pressure on this coalition government to stop the rainbow madness targeting our young.
Stay posted to our Social Channels as we prepare to protect our innocent children.
Time to clean our schools and country up!